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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Spyrothedragon9972 on 2024-11-18 22:11:19+00:00.
I know personal preference trumps all, but from a technical standpoint, how is a grid fleece supposed to fit and be worn?
I know some people wear them as base layers for winter sports, while others wear them as an active mid/insulating layer. Can both be achieved with the same fit?
Does the amount of space between you and the garment effect breathability? Should a snug grid fleece breath the same as a looser one?
The above thought got me thinking about windshirts. Some people will wear them even in the winter in below zero temps because it’s their everything dry outer layer. Does the “breathability” of a wind shirt depend on how it fits at all? Should there be room for it to billow or would that just be super annoying in the wind?