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The original was posted on /r/redrising by /u/webstr89 on 2023-08-09 15:50:08.

It’s mentioned multiple times that Atalantia needs to finish winning the fight for earth and Luna before shifting her focus to Mars. She even assigned Lysander to lead an Iron Rain on Luna. My question is, who is she fighting on Luna? Is it the Abomination’s forces? The abomination is only briefly mentioned in the first half of the book, but I don’t believe any one from the Society mentions him at all. It was very vague regarding who Atalantia is fighting on Luna, but is has to be the Abomination, right?

Unrelated to this question, but my assumption is Abomination let Sevro leave via auction only after planting some sleeper-cell programming that could make him attack his own family next time he sees them.