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The original was posted on /r/redrising by /u/STL_Tiger21 on 2023-08-09 18:15:56.

If you were imploring your friends to read Red Rising (which I’ve done numerous times to numerous friends), how would you explain what it is to them?

For example, one of the RR podcasts called it a “space opera,” which I really like but that’s far too simple if I was explaining it to someone.

To me, the first book has a huge Hunger Games feel to it, which I’m sure most would agree with - it’s pretty in your face. After the first book gets moving though past the basic Institute chapters it becomes wayyyy bigger than that though. The RR universe obviously expands exponentially in Golden Son.

My first instinct is to say it’s “Game of Thrones in Space.” The sheer quantity and quality of characters AND houses, the constant alliances and betrayals of those characters and houses, sex, violence, gore, power, greed, love, loyalty, etc.

What ya’ll think?