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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/SunMatrix64 on 2024-11-21 23:08:28+00:00.

Hi, I’m Sunmatrix, you can find me in game at SunMatrix.4168 (on NA). I previously made a post about Unstable Rift Motivations. Today, I want to submit a strategy for stage 1 of the new Mount Balrior convergence, hoping it gets adopted by the wider community. While I understand that in its current form this really is overkill, I hope it’ll be useful once the CMs come around.

The main goal of this strategy is to finish all of the thumper sections near the same time. To do this effectively, I have devised an optimal subgroup pathing for the initial phase.

Let’s use this simplified version of Mount Balrior:

Mount Balrior (simplified)

I tried to exclude any parts that were irrelevant to the first phase. Pink triangles are warclaw chain pull doors (I might’ve missed a couple). The light blue lines, you can fly up from west to center easily with a skyscale.

Now we need to get supplies from the base camp (orange) to all the thumpers at north, center, west, east, and southeast at about the same time. To do this, we need to send groups to each. But North takes the longest to get to, while west and southeast are basically right next door. So now onto the main feature of the strategy, subgroup assignments.

We split the subs unevenly:

  • 1 west
  • 1 south east
  • 2 East
  • 2 Center
  • 3 North
  • 1 Defending the main camp

The first time I tried this, I had 4 north and none at main camp and it kept getting captured, thus the 1 group defending.

West and Southeast will need to do multiple supply runs. Center and East might. North should have enough supply with their 15 people.

North can either go through center, or east and up, but preferably they go center.

This helps make sure supplies arrive at about the same time for all the thumper sites.

After your thumper is up and running, just stay there and defend it while it calibrates. Assuming everyone did their job correctly, you all should finish within a minute of each other.

As always, I’m open to any discussion and optimizations you might have for the strategy :)