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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/SerendipitouslySane on 2024-11-21 02:56:20+00:00.
I’m nowhere close to having my own kit yet (I hiked a lot as a kid with shitty gear and now I’m trying to get back into it without the trauma caused by a flooded tent and 30kg packs), but in the planning process I notice that it is very difficult to achieve both lightweight and cold weather protection with quilts. I also have issue sleeping with a really thick blanket on warm nights at home. Do you just pick a minimum temperature you’d be willing to hike into and buy the thickest quilt necessary (and overheat in the summer), or you do keep multiple sets of quilts and pads for different trips? If so, which breakpoints do you use? For reference I think I’ll be staying in western US and north east Asia (Japan, Taiwan, maybe Korea).