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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/TheOldeHickory on 2023-08-09 22:27:47.

My family has lived next door to another family for about a decade. I get along well enough with the husband and our wives are friends. Their children are older than ours so they don’t really hang out, but everyone gets along. Things have always been pretty smooth until this year.

In the spring, I noticed there were five arrows sticking in the ground in my back yard. They were standing straight up as though they dropped form a great height.

We only have one set of neighbors so I knew they had to have come from there house. I collected them and went next door and spoke to the husband and he explained their middle school aged daughter had joined the archery team. He explained she must have been practicing and shot them over the fence.

I gave them back and asked if he would talk to her about being more careful. We have two children and a dog who play in the back yard and I didn’t want anyone to be hurt. He agreed and we parted ways.

This happened three more times with the same general exchange. The fourth time it happened, I lost my temper and told him his kid was being careless and was likely to hurt one of my kids. He replied that she didn’t mean any harm, but I said I didn’t care. If she hit one of my kids, no amount of apologies was going to be sufficient. He said again he would talk to her.

This morning when I went to let the dog out, there were four damn arrows sticking out of the dirt in my back yard. I pulled them out, broke them, and dropped them on the neighbors porch.

When he got home, he came my house and told me I was an asshole for breaking his kids stuff. He was going to call the police and sue me for $160 to replace the damaged equipment. I said that’s fine and shut the door in his face.

His wife called mine crying and asked if I would just apologize to her husband and buy new arrows. My wife agrees with me, but she’s bias.

Am I the asshole?