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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/tamtamlee on 2023-08-08 16:44:45.

Hello all, I live in an HOA community part-time in a remote region. I turn the power off at my house from around Dec-April (about 4-5 months usually). Thus, no wifi when the power is off.

I have significant problems with the HOA doing criminal mischief during this time to my house while it is unattended (I cannot leave the power on because it is a fire hazard as the house is completely left for 4-5 months). I was just wondering if there are any recommendations from people in similar situations about cellular surveillance cameras or off grid surveillance cameras specifically for NO WIFI/NO POWER situations???

I have verizon and my phone works pretty well when on my property, so I was thinking LTE might be an option, but again, the reviews seem to indicate battery runs out pretty quick. I am also going to invest in like 5 trail cameras, but i have had trouble mounting them in the past. If anyone has recommendation for a good trail camera for surveillance and mounting, I’d appreciate that too. On the ones I have used in the past, the SD card runs out after about a month since there are so many deer and wild creatures walking by daily. Solar only seems to extend the life of cameras for a week or two according to reviews.

So far I have looked into Arlo and Vosker for LTE or off grid cameras, but it seems somes of the reviews for those options say the battery dies pretty quickly and lasts only a few weeks. Not sure if anyone has had good experience with a long-lasting camera? I would have loved 24-7 feed going to a cloud or something but assume this is not possible since it would kill the battery. I think I will look for a 24-7 feed for the time when i am there. It seems options are pretty limited for off-grid cameras… Any recommendations are highly appreciated.