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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/CornerRight4438 on 2023-08-08 23:02:52.

We have no real elected board. They still bill us, but they don’t do anything. Those involved are just stupid nasty people, make up maybe 20% of ownership, and are the only ones who participate in their mickey mouse shit. So they never have quorum. Long story I’ve posted here before but not important to this post.

Long story short, we have trees along our private road which the hoa is supposed to be maintaining. Many dead trees. Occasionally they just randomly fall. It knocks out power sometimes for a few days or week. People can’t pass until a neighbor pulls out a chainsaw and clears it. Not trees alive that get damaged in a storm, but rather, very large 30"+ across 50ft+ tall trees that are dead and rotting out. Been dead for a long long time, a slight breeze could blow them over. They could easily kill someone or total out a car.

Rather than ask the shit fuck stupid HOA people to do anything, I just send out a message on our hoa discussion board stating the problem with pictures of the tree I just got up at 5 am to come cut down for another neighbor a few months ago and saying if I didn’t see progress, I’m going to hire an arborist to check out the situation and do what is necessary along the road easement, along with any other owners who want to chip in. I didn’t ask for any money, didn’t ask HOA or anyone else to do anything. Didn’t ask permission. I just sent out a statement.

So one of the really really stupid shit fucks respond to my post asking where on the road I lived. Mind you I’ve owned here much longer than this stupid shit fuck and they know exactly who I am.

I CAN’T BRING MY SELF TO RESPOND WITH ANYTHING. Like it’s so stupid I can’t believe how stupid people are.

Just venting. Stupid shitfuck people.