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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/NayNaysDangus on 2024-12-02 17:29:09+00:00.

Hey everyone, it seems like a lot of chargers are either too heavy or underpowered for fast-charging phones and battery banks.

When thru-hiking in the past, I’ve usually opped for weight over power and I end up spending 4-6 hours glued to a charging station waiting for everything to top off. I switched it up for the Colorado Trail this year and took the 3-port Anker Prime 100W but the charger is nearly a half pound. I would like it to be considerably lighter without sacrificing the multiport fast charging capabilities.

How important is weight when choosing a charger for your loadout? If there were a super lightweight USB-C charger capable of handling higher power, would it be worth carrying for you?

Curious to hear what the community thinks about power adapters and how important power versus weight is for you guys?