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The original was posted on /r/gamingleaksandrumours by /u/DaddyZetsu on 2024-12-03 23:25:31+00:00.


"Sony’s first patent suggests games could detect a player’s heart rate and adjust the difficulty, and game elements, such as moving intense scenes to a different part of the game or changing music and sound effects.

"Heart rate sensors could be embedded in devices like smartwatches, rings, or video game controllers. When the game detects rising heart rates, it might ease up on difficulty to avoid overwhelming the player, or, conversely, it could make things more intense if it senses you’re too relaxed.

“As an example, in a scene that induces higher pulse rates, no more than two game characters may be allowed to enter a virtual room in the game,” the patent reads. “Or, difficulty in aiming weapons may be added or subtracted in response to the biometric feedback.”