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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/OrneryAudience9907 on 2023-08-10 15:48:51.

I moved out of my parents’ house at 19, with a pretty stable job and a hard-working husband, Robert. This meant I could afford a quite expensive home. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and plenty more rooms to spare. One of the bigger rooms was the attic. I never had an attic as a kid, and the idea of it was always so exciting to me. When I first went up there, I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching me. But when I turned on the light and looked around, I couldn’t see any signs that anyone was there.

One day, a few nights after moving in, Robert told me he had to go get some groceries. He left me alone in the house, and I decided to explore more of the attic. It was dusty, with old boxes and forgotten things. I felt a mix of nostalgia and curiosity. As I looked through the boxes, I heard a faint scratching sound, like something moving behind the walls. It startled me, but I thought it was just the normal sounds of an old house.

Days went by, and the scratching sounds kept coming, sometimes loud, sometimes not. I mentioned it to Robert, but he said it was just house noises. However, as time passed, the sounds became more persistent, and I felt more and more uneasy. I decided to check it out.

One evening, with a flashlight, I went into the attic again. This time with a new sense of determination then I heard it, a light thud behind me, before I had the chance to look, I felt a sharp pain stabbing my neck, then darkness. I woke up on my bed, Robert huddled over me crying. He glanced up in shock, “Your alive of thank god your alive!” He cried nearly suffocating me with his hugs, I thought it had killed you. I felt an uneasiness, “What was it, that almost killed me that is…”. I felt a throbbing pain in my jaw as I spoke, I felt different somehow. To weak to lift my head, I turned to my husband, who was now grinning profusely. “Oh… that would have been me, I’ve been doing some experimenting and decided to give you the honour of being my first patient,”, he exclaimed, his grin widening.

My heart sank, “What do you mean by patient?” I said, trying my beat to keep my voice steady and calm. He smirked, “Well, you know how I work so hard, its all been for us! No… for you! I’ve made you the best you, you can be!”, he laughed, “Look I’ll show you…”. He wheeled over a rusty mirror and helped me sit up, it looked up at down, tears swelling in my eyes. My limbs were contorted, what was one a smile was now a snarly cage of teeth, I was at least 7ft tall, my skin pale.

I saw he smirking at what he had created, “Your the first genetically modified human, a superhero!”