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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/Zen_Uru_ on 2023-08-10 15:54:48.

I was in a dream with two old friends when they were still dating, and I could tell it wasn’t them. Then I realized I was in a dream but kept it cool.

I started asking questions and I swear to God they’re like AI. Like the human subconscious is AI and they were a representation of it. Like we already have “AI” in ourselves and we’ve just been calling it a sub conscious. They were very emotionless but still tried to emulate it whenever I asked questions. I remember extra dream characters disrupting the scenario AS SOON AS I REALIZED I WAS IN A DREAM. As if I triggered a distraction protocol or something.

But here’s the thing that blows my fucking mind-

I asked the female friend do you know that you have a daughter now? And she said no. Here’s the thing, I said that like I knew she had a daughter, right? Like it was a fact. But when I woke up from the dream I didn’t know. I looked her up on Facebook and she has a daughter now