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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwaway-itried on 2023-08-10 17:57:16.

The previous post was locked, but I’ve had a few messages asking after me so before I leave this account completely I just wanted to let people know I’m alright.

The move went smoothly, I’m far enough away that there is no risk of bumping into my ex or his family. I changed my number and deleted all social media so haven’t had anything from them personally for about 6 weeks. My sister apologised for what she said, and we’ve spoken alot about it all. I definitely don’t think our relationship is the same, but we’re okay.

I still hear they’re speaking badly about me from friends, but I try and ignore it.

I’m in therapy still and am trying my hardest to move forward with everything. I visit my sons grave when I can. Thankfully my ex and his family care so little about more than themselves they never asked where he is buried so I can do so in peace.

Thank you all for everything you said. I have found myself going back to the previous post alot over the last couple of months and it has helped more than I can express. I’ll be leaving this account now, but again, thank you.

Edit: link to previous post