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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/DudeManThing1983 on 2023-08-10 22:57:28.

Guys, I feel that with this whole David Grusch thing, not enough attention has been given to the dangers of a fake alien invasion by producing images of great balls of fire in the sky. It’s called Project Blue Balls, and it’s supposedly done by DARPA. They’ll basically make a magic show in the skies of the world and everyone will be duped into believing in a fake alien invasion. Their (oh, didn’t I mention the ones doing this are the New World Order? Because that’s important) objective is take away our gosh darned rights and jobs (they took arrr jeeeeerbs!). In fact, the entire field of UAPology might be considered one gigantic case of blue balls, since every major player seems to be in the business of eternal teasing their public with cryptic hints about “something big” that’s right around the corner. Maybe that something big may just happen to have a pair of balls.