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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/freshluvvv on 2023-08-10 23:04:21.

I (22M) don’t know how to say this without coming off terribly, but it’s a fact that’s important to the context of the story: I’ve always been more well-liked than my sister (24F). This isn’t me saying she’s an unlikable person, I think it’s just the nature of our personalities and interests. She’s more shy where I’m easygoing. I also played a sport growing up which is an easy talking point to connect with extended family and friends.

Our relationship was rocky for while because she resented this. Our childhood home almost always being filled with at least one or two of my friends at any given point bothered her, but I thought we squashed it. The conversation we had about this occurred probably 2 years ago and things seemed fine between us since.

She got married this past weekend. I’m incredibly happy for her and her husband, but their wedding did come at an inconvenient time for me. Thanks to busy schedules, Saturday - the day of the wedding - was the only time available for my best friend (21M) to move into his apartment for his final year of college. I have helped him settle in every year but since I had a previous engagement, that wasn’t going to work this time.

This was weighing on me the entire day. I ended up catching the newlyweds at the start of the reception and wished them well, but let them know I had to leave early.

I drove to my best friend’s apartment and surprised him. I left the reception around 4 pm and arrived at his place at nearly midnight, so I was feeling pretty delirious considering I had been up since 5 am that morning. I was awake for almost 24 hours after he and I spend the night talking and somewhere in the delirium and emotions of that night/early morning, we ended up talking about our feelings for one another.

Yesterday I shared a photo on instagram of the matching 7 tattoos we got together (inspired by a song, our lucky numbers, and the length of the drive I went on to get to his place) along with a pretty long caption about how things had happened. It’s obviously a romantic story, leaving a wedding early and driving hours, inspired by the romance of the day, and coming out of it dating your best friend. I got tons of supportive comments from friends and family because Best Friend has been in my life since I was 15. Almost everyone in my life has met him in some capacity and most of them love him.

I got a call from my sister today, and she was furious. She said she’s been getting texts from our family about how beautiful it is that her wedding inspired me and Best Friend to get together, how some people saw it coming, just general family relationship talk. She said I upstaged her and that the 7’s we got tattooed were basically “commemorating how I ruined her wedding” by leaving early and making her night about us.