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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/FrankW1967 on 2024-12-14 17:22:22+00:00.
Hello, good people. Is it me? I realize asking is only inviting the answer yes. I have bought three pairs of Frogg Toggs, in two different weights. With each and every one of them, within two wearings, I have torn the pants along the seam of the butt, from bending over — to tie shoes, to put in the dog’s leash, and just sitting down, respectively. I get that these are cheap and not meant to be durable. The jackets are fine. Now that I know, I can assess whether to continue purchasing the product. I might, simply taping the seam in advance. That is what I have done. After the rip, I have used clear Scotch packing tape on the inside, and it’s fine. I am not wearing these out on formal occasions. So I don’t care that much if they look like they have been repaired. But I am curious if others have had this experience. Maybe I am just too herky-jerky in how I move around.
Is there an alternative? What I primarily want are lightweight pants for inclement weather, overpants that I can put on in a hurry and stash in my backpack.