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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/turtlintime on 2024-12-16 18:01:51+00:00.
"We finished a new adventure in Tianshan today. Just receive Internet signal now. This expedition reached the peak over 4000m altitude and encountered all kinds of weather along the way😂. We tested the new backpacks and tents in this adventure and we are happy with the new gear, but we think it could be better so we will improve. We also came up with a new tool to protect the sleeping bag from condensation.😉
Even though we took a lot of mountaineering tools this time, we still kept our backpacks at about 10 kilograms (including food for 7 days). This is made possible by a lighter backpack and a lighter Lanshan tent (only 630 grams).
btw, the new pack will be named ‘Tianshan’."
In the comments they mention it will be 15d Silpoly
In the comments of a more recent post (1 week ago) they said at least 3 months out