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The original was posted on /r/aspergers by /u/theinfamousvidal on 2023-08-11 07:04:31.

It seems like most of aspies suffer or suffered from bullying. It’s not my case. I suffered from isolation and self-hatred, but not from bullying.

I used to think that I’ve been a victim of bullying for years. Because I had no genuine friends back in school, and in high schools. I was exactly the opposite of a popular guy, I wasn’t respected. I used to cry about it. Now I figure out that, I’ve been just playing the victim role while in fact, I was the bully one. I was very annoying and aggresive, direct, when I was younger. I used to disturb others with unappropiate words and actions, and I remember I used to mock both popular and disabled people. One day, I attacked a girl of my age, to the point she bleed. I also engaged in fights with a very innocent guy I used to manipulate, I used to lie a lot. I used to mock fat guys and girls, and I used to repeat bad actions from the major bullies.

My classmates were complaining about my behaviour all the time, but teachers didn’t make a move because of my ADHD and autism diagnosis. So, yeah, I was just playing the victim unconsciounsly, but I was the bully one. I tend to misread other people’s intentions and emotional reactions so I’m sorry.

What about you? Were you bullied, or a bully? Unrelated?