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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Elegant_Leaf on 2023-08-11 10:51:52.

I’m a 26f my friend is also a 26f. Abit for context last year I was sterilised at 25 because of my mental health and other issues. It was a choice I was happy to make as I’ve got 2 children. Fast forward to yesterday my friend made a Facebook post about how she was going to be sterilised towards the end of the month. I’m really happy for her as it’s what she wants. I mentioned that there’s post tubal ligation syndrome, she could also have a ectopic pregnancy, as well as maybe having extremely painful, heavy and long periods. She may have more than one period a month and her mental health may take a massive hit because of the hormones etc… I wanted to make her aware of what she could possibly go through as I personally wasn’t made aware. Now someone’s commented on the post I’ve commented on and said how her periods are absolutely fine and not to worry about what I’ve said. Now I feel like itah because ive taken away from her excitement of being sterilised and moving forward with her life. I did say I wasn’t trying to sway her choice as I completely agree with it I’d just rather she had as much information about the whole ordeal before she went a head with it.

Next time should I just keep my mouth shut?