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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/weeweechoochoo on 2023-08-11 10:49:49.

Newb question, sorry lol.

I got a BS/衛星放送 installed today (I don’t have 地上 or CS) and flicking through the channels I can watch NHK, and channels like TBS, 日本テレビ, and 朝日 show up on the channel listing but when I click on them it says 「現在放送されていません。番組表などで放送時間を確認してください。雨や雪などの天候の影響で一時的に受信できない場合もあります。決定で受信強度を確認します。」

The weather’s fine and the 受信強度 was at 95 so there’s no issue there. Obviously I’m not subscribed to anything that would give me these channels, but how do I subscribe to them and gain access?