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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Budget-Shopping1519 on 2023-08-11 09:23:04.

I’ve known John (not his real name) for over 15 years. We met in high school, went through all the ups and downs of teenage years together, and continued to be close in college and afterwards.

About three months ago, my girlfriend of 5 years and I broke up. It was a messy breakup, one of those where both parties are hurt, and it’s clear things will never be the same. I was devastated. I confided a lot in John because he’s always been my rock through hard times. I told him everything about the breakup, from the arguments to the tearful nights, trusting him to support and understand me.

Fast forward to two weeks ago. John is getting married (yay for him!), and his bachelor party was set to be a massive event. A whole weekend trip, everyone invited, the whole shebang. Before the party, we had a small gathering at his place, just close friends, to pre-game and get ready. Everything was going fine until my recent breakup came up in conversation.

I could tell John had had a bit too much to drink by then, but I didn’t expect him to start mocking me. He started mimicking my voice, recounting some of the personal details I’d shared about the breakup in a mocking tone, and making fun of how “dramatic” I’d been. Everyone laughed, and I was mortified.

I left the gathering almost immediately and decided I couldn’t go on the weekend trip after that. John has tried to reach out to apologize, saying he didn’t mean it and was just drunk, but I’ve been distant.

Now, most of our friend group is saying I overreacted. They think I should forgive him because we’ve been friends for so long and because “it was just a joke”. I’m conflicted. I feel hurt, not just because of John’s words but because it feels like my friends don’t have my back.

So, Reddit, AITA for skipping the bachelor party over this?