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The original was posted on /r/ukpersonalfinance by /u/let_me_use_reddit on 2023-08-11 14:05:39.


I am money stupid :)

32F with a salary of £104K/annum (about to go up to probably 108K) and an annual bonus 10%. I rent very cheaply, I have no dependents, and I do not live in London.

I have always been terrible with money but better since my salary went above 70K. I now have 55K for a house deposit, 5K sitting in a sharesave schemes, 5K in ‘Moneybox’ and a few K’s in various “Natwest Savers” where the interest is poor. I just sort of use them as rainy day funds.

On top of that I have a private pension where I’ve shoved another 5K into it, on top of the standard regular pension that comes with work.

I’d take a guess that my net worth is somewhere around 70K, if you include the inaccessible funds.

I have had no idea what to do with my money and spent some of it poorly. The above savings aren’t really based on a strategy – they’re just adhoc things I’ve done over the last two years or so. I’ve considered getting a financial advisor because I’m so bad with my money – or knowing what to put it into.

If you were me, what would you do with it? Property? ISA? Stocks? Would you get a financial advisor or is that just for people with MEGA bucks? I tend to panic putting money into long-term schemes in case I need it – (but also don’t want to grow into one of those people who hides money in their walls… and then forgets where it is…)

Any advice welcome.