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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/KittenDealinMama on 2023-08-11 15:51:55.

Originally posted by u/ilivewithcatz in r/ on July 28, '23 updated on July 31, '23.


Trigger Warning: Animal cruelty

Mood Spoiler: cruelty is not super intense, happy ending



July 28, '23


AITA for kicking out my cousin’s boyfriend even though it’s my cousin’s house?

This happened an hour ago and I havent told my cousin yet.

My cousin “Janna” lost her parents when she was young. Her parents left her with a big house (almost like a mansion) and a lot of assets/money.

She’s a few years older than I am and graduated early, and she’s also very successful in her field.

Ever since last year, I’ve been living with her since my college is 20 minutes away. The condition was, I take care of her cats for the most part when she’s at work (most of my classes are online). By cats, I mean 15 senior cats with special needs or special medications, 3 foster kittens and 2 other cattos without health problems. She has the space and money to take care of them all. She also has a vet regularly come in. My “job” is to feed them, play with them, give the older ones medicine, clean the litter, make sure nothing is off with the very old ones, and etc.

I take my job seriously and love these cats to death.

Janna has been seeing this guy for a year or two. An hour ago, he dropped by to wait for Janna and surprise her by “taking care” of the cats.

He kept pestering the cats, forcing them to cuddle with him, doing that machine gun cat video thingy, recording tiktoks of him scaring the older and skittish cats. He almost kicked one of the kittens really hard because he was chasing around another cat. I’ve been telling him off but and trying to give him one of the cuddle bug cats, but he just wants to terrorize the skittish ones.

The last straw was when it was time for meds. Some of the cats are on meds for the rest of their lives and I’m really scared to miss one of their doses. This dude catches the senior cat, manhandled the cat, the poor old gentleman peed on him. He let’s go and started to yell at the cat.

That was the last straw. I understand I had no right to kick him out since it wasn’t my house. But I just got so angry and started calling him names and told him to get the fuck out. He wouldn’t leave at all and I had to ask the neighbor to help me drag him out (very nice dude).

And well, now he threatening me to have my cousin kick me out, and texting me that I had no right to kick him out. And I’m also an asshole for getting strangers involved.

I dont think I was an asshole, but it wasn’t my house in the first place. AITA?

Judgment: Not The Asshole



July 31, '23


Sorry for not responding to the comments, I got extremely anxious about the situation.

My cousin called me as soon as she was done with her meeting. I frantically explained the situation, and I apologized for overstepping my bounds but I thought it was the best that he got kicked out.

Once my cousin got home, she checked up on all the kitties and talked to the neighbor. Neighbor explained that I was begging for help to get this guy out of the house because he was harassing the cats (neighbor knows we have A LOT of cats because of an outdoor-netted catio).

Well, I’m not sure what he said but she dumped him. She said I did the right thing and thanked me. All the locks have been changed just in case. All the cats are okay and back to their happy little routine. :)


Reminder, DO NOT comment on the original posts or contact the original poster. I am not the original poster. This is a repost.