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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/SheinSter721 on 2023-08-11 15:34:34.

I am a school teacher in Texas, and I tend to be a little bit of a rabble rouser because I feel my time in this particular position is winding to an end. We had our inservice where our principal talked about our school shooting response plan (“Emergency Response” Plan, but we all know what they were talking about).

It basically boils down to hiding in classrooms, and waiting for our on-site police officer to act. #1 I am frustrated that in the US every problem about guns has the solution of just adding more guns #2 I try not to be rude, but our on-site police officer, while armed, lets just say he looks like he enjoys donuts, and he does not fill me with confidence if he ever had to pull a Bruce Willis or Clint Eastwood.

Our principal asked if we had any questions and I raised my hand and he called on me and I said “What do we do if our officer and the police run away?” Our principal seemed confused my the question and asked what I meant and I said, more or less, “Well, at Uvalde and Parkland the police refused to help, at Parkland the school resource officer actively ran from the shooter, kind of leaving the teachers alone. What is the plan if that happens here?”

There was a lot of whispers and murmuring in the teachers around me and my principal seemed speechless. He finally just sort of said “They won’t. We have full confidence in their response time”. Which to me was not a great answer.