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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/curiousopenmind22 on 2023-08-11 14:37:34.

I’ve just finished re-reading The Mothman Prophecies and a couple more Mothman themed books. I was wondering if anyone knew of any recent alleged sightings? I read that ( if real) some think he is a harbinger of doom or is drawn to disasters and that he was seen around Chernobyl before the accident ( they called him the Birdman) and also around Fukushima prior to the big quake. Strange that he seems more interested in radiation leaks? Considering the amount of terrible things and disasters that happen daily, I’d expect sightings everywhere. Maybe he’s some kind of interdimensional creature or terrestrial cryptid? Misidenification of a large owl/ bird or unknown species? don’t know, I don’t really have a strong opinion right now, but I like to consider everything. I’d love to know everyone’s thoughts or recommendations for good books on this subject.