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The original was posted on /r/modcoord by /u/TheTwelveYearOld on 2024-12-22 20:09:20+00:00.

The (2018) redesign was out by the time I joined Reddit and find it much better looking than old Reddit. I could never get used to the 2023 redesign (, now the default), even after several days of using it. It’s full of bugs and little annoyances, like not seeeing post flairs in feeds (which is especially annoying on posts from subreddits you moderate). I couldn’t take it so I threw in the towel and switched to Old Reddit. While it’s not as good looking as either, I actually really like the list view and clicking when you actually want to view a post, image, or video. It’s helping a lot against my bad scrolling habits. I spent lots of time on my own CSS and now Im pretty happy with how it turned out.

I’m seriously how many other users also made the switch.