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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/_underscore_me on 2024-12-22 21:45:19+00:00.

-Both are developed by Ryan Hudson, EX-CEO of honey as now, but doesn’t negate who really input the secret lil money snatcher goblins throughout purchases.

-Follows suit in “too good to be true” which his a safe logical approach

-YouTube is flooded with PIE ads, just like honey also with sponsored creators, again like honey.

-In the only defense from Ryan Hudson, lists PIE to be BACKED BY THE HONEY TEAM and a defending point to being called a scam, if this was a week ago then i’d be like “oh they must have a great team” but now that backing doesn’t just not mean shit, it IS SHIT.

-Similar “rewards system” and ( not too sure ) coupons too, just like honey.

-can be used just for ads BUT doesn’t negate possible secret lil shenanigans in play.

just some thoughts I wanted to rant on about.