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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Jenzade on 2023-08-11 18:47:48.

 Wow! For starters, I just want to say thank you to all of the amazing people who gave me advice and validated my feelings in this situation . I was starting to feel like there was no way out in that I couldn’t escape .From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate everyone’s words so much.
 A few common questions and comments that I would like to clear up. First off, we do not have any other immediate family to stay with. My mother is estranged from her family because  a close relative SA her when she was young.Even if I could reach out to them that would most likely not be a safe option. The only person is my dad however, since me and my brother have different biological dad’s I’m not sure if that will be harder to go about legally.
  Second, I have got a lot of inbox messages, of people cursing me out and berating me for not immediately going to CPS and the cops. I know now that it is what I should have immediately done when the situation happened and it comes across as me just being selfish.However I spent time in the system myself when I was younger because of a substance abuse, problem with my mom. It was not pretty!! I had to deal with things like mental, physical, and sexual abuse. The main reason I didn’t go to authorities immediately is because I do not want to put my brother in that situation.
 Third is some people have asked, why hasn’t any of his teachers said anything ?School has not started back up yet and my brother is in a camp. This specific camp helps kids who have things like autism or ADHD get immersed in learning, so things are easier for them when they transition into school(note the test). My brother is autistic, but highly functional and does have ADHD .David is on the pick up list for camp so I took the week off of work to spend at home with my brother because I don’t want to risk anything happening and my mom won’t take him off the list. I am not in any way, shape or form trying to cover for my mom or David!!!! 
 UPDATE:Today I left my brother with a friend of mine very early in the morning hopefully by time I pick him up tonight everything will be sorted. I got back home around 7am and called my dad letting him know about what’s been going on . He said he suspects that my mom might be using again because that’s the only logical answer for why she could be acting like this. I’m not sure why I didn’t piece that together and it’s definitely my fault for not noticing the signs(the spoons I kept on finding in the bathroom, the nose bleeds, the behavior. I honestly feel like an idiot because I didn’t even consider it being a possibility. I thought she had changed . Anyway, my dad said that me and my little brother and more than welcome to stay with him.
  My mom arrived from work at about 8:30(if that’s even where she’s been). I asked her if she was using again she denied it the first few times I asked, but eventually admitted it. Based off of everything else, I said, some of you might’ve already guessed it but she also admitted David has been taking them with her. I made it clear to my mother that me and my little brother will be staying with my father moving forward. I will no longer be supporting her (or her drug habits unknowingly). We got into a screaming match, and she left the house .Honestly, it doesn’t even matter if she brings David in the house or not at this point .After finding out that she’s using again my brother is not safe around her either. me and my brother are leaving either way!!! I have pictures of my brothers face from when the incident first happened and I am about to be on my way to the precinct .
 That’s everything that has happened so far. I’m sorry if it’s not much of an update, but I will keep everyone posted on what’s happening and again thank you to everyone for the advice.

P.S. sorry for just for writing in a huge globs of words I honestly just needed to rant and get everything off of my chest.