This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/hockey by /u/hockeydiscussionbot on 2023-08-11 15:06:48.

Pre-game thread to talk about anything!

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/r/hockey stands with BIPOC, AAPI, and LGBTIQA+

/r/hockey aims to be an inclusive environment where people of all races, ethnicity, and how people identify can come and talk hockey. We will do our best to lift the voices of the hockey community that speak up against racism, sexism, or any other hate by ensuring their posts make it to /r/hockey for those to read. We will continue to do our best effort to enforce and remove any comments or racist remarks as well as all bigotry, sexism, and xenophobia.

What is a Daily Free Talk Thread? Use it to talk about anything related to hockey, ask quick questions, or any other daily chatter. It’s also your hub for links to Game Day Threads, live scores, daily stats and standings, and a way to compile recent news and announcements for easy viewing. You can view a collection of all video replays by opening the stickied mod comment below. It updates throughout the night.

If you have specific feedback about these threads please message the mods. Bot is maintained by /u/sandman730. Message him with any bugs.