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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/weheartlocal on 2024-12-24 13:59:56+00:00.

If it is non-human intelligence (NHI) causing these drone and orb sightings, I urge people to remain calm and think rationally. We shouldn’t be shooting at them or creating mass panic. If it is indeed NHI, consider these simple facts:

They likely possess more advanced technology than us to have reached here. Applying human logic and intelligence to them is ineffective, as we have no idea what their motives might be. People worry they want to enslave us, seize Earth’s resources, or that we need to go to war—these are human concerns and may not align with their motivations, which could be completely different or even incomprehensible to us. If they had wanted to eliminate us, they probably would have done so already. This is not a movie scenario; Will Smith can’t just fly into a mothership and destroy it. We cannot assume our actions in fictional tales apply here. If they initiate an attack, our best response would be to attempt communication and show compassion, our true strengths. I’m not saying we shouldn’t defend ourselves, but aggressive action should be our absolute last resort. At best, we might be as intelligent to them as dogs and cats are to us, so we should aim to be perceived as loving and useful. At worst, we might be like ants to them, but even then, communication should be our first tactic. Provoking them is likely a poor strategy.

Remember, the more intelligent a species becomes, the less violent it typically is. It’s likely that NHI operates with purpose and structure, not randomly. Their technology to travel here from potentially billions of light years away suggests they can solve their own problems without needing our resources. History of their visits indicates they do not view us merely as bugs; their sustained interest suggests a capacity for consideration, maybe even empathy. They’re observing us out of curiosity, not for exploitation.

In summary, if NHI wanted to harm us, they likely would have done so by now. Their behavior suggests a more evolved and empathetic nature, indicating they probably don’t need anything from us. It’s almost certain we can’t defeat them with violence, so let’s use it only as an absolute last resort. Humanity should first attempt communication, and if that fails, prepare but wait to be attacked before provoking one. This approach may involve risks, but honestly, our conventional weapons likely won’t be effective, so attack should be the last resort. If we’re not currently under attack, why provoke the worst possible outcome?