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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/delavsky on 2024-12-25 08:01:43+00:00.

Time: 10:10 P.M.(MT)

Location: Westminster, CO USA

just happened to look up and saw what others have described as a dimly lit, almost gaseous looking v flying over my apartment.

It seemed much larger and closer than the videos and photos ive seen of it in this community.

The entire event lasted about 6 seconds and I did not bring my phone out to smoke.

ETA: it was moving just south of due west from my perspective. I can see the beacon from DIA from my house, and it would have been the complete opposite direction.

ETA 2: I took a picture of the sky from where i was standing and drew a v shape for size as it appeared to me but im too old and dumb to figure out how to put it in the post, apparently.