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The original was posted on /r/genshin_impact by /u/Polydexa on 2023-08-11 19:21:51.

Seeing some posts asking opinions about current limited map i noticed that quite a lot of players describe new compass that shows you everything on minimap as something good and apparently quality-of-life feature.

Simply put, it’s not. It doesn’t make signature Genshin exploration loop more comfortable but instead, replaces it with something different…something like ubisoft-style cancer. Not only it makes already easy process of exploration even easier, it changes player’s behavior while exploring. Usually, players search chests and puzzles by looking around in the area, look for subtle hints etc. The compass moves your eyes away from beautiful world developers were busy to create and forces you to focus on small circle in a corner of the screen. As a result you remember less of a world since you need to actually look less at it. And the goal changes: instead of “go explore in the wild and find something” to “don’t overlook every icon on minimap because we show them all”.

Since quite a lot of players see this monumental shift in mechanic as something “good” i fear that developers will listen and make it permanent. Throughout the years they oversimplified a lot of things: battle events were downgraded to glorified dailies, puzzles were downgraded to “put circle thingy into circle hole”, characters were censored, dialogs are now made with help of ChatGPT (God, i’m sure of it because how bad dialogs now are), minigames are so easy you don’t even need to read the rules. Chests and openworld exploration remain the last pillar that defines Genshin and if developers will remove even this there will be nothing left of the game i started to play in Sept 2020.