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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/noobvs_aeternvm on 2024-12-25 19:12:17+00:00.
Mark, hi. You know anything about Ba’Rin? I can’t reach him since yesterday 😢
Yeah, he’s right here. Crashed on my couch
Why is he on your couch? 😡
We were one guy short for poker night, so I kidnaped him for a tiny lil bitty
You just grabbed him like dat??
Sorry, girl. It was a last minute thing, one of the guys couldn’t make it
Then why didn’t he come home? Why is he on your couch? 🤨🤨
Don’t worry about it
I very much do
It’s nothing
Mark, stop stalling me! 😡
Kay, full disclosure. I might have made an oopsie dosie
Wat did U do???
I might have given him a small bowl of garlic chips
He’s highly allergic 😮😮😮
Yeap. He sure is.
Is he ok???
Yeah, yeah. He’s fine now, just need to rest a bit.
Wat do you mean he’s fine NOW? Can I talk to him?
Doc put him on some pretty heavy meds. Don’t think I can wake him even if I tried
Doc? As in doctor? 😱 How much garlic did you give him? 😵💫
Look, I screwed up K? I know dat, no need to tell me
Damn right I’m gonna tell you! You poisoned my boyfriend! 😡🤬😡
I didn’t know K?
How? How didn’t you know of something that can KILL him?! Aren’t you guys friends since forever?
Yeah, but we don’t talk bout dat stuff.
U R the worst Mark! 😡 Don’t think you 2 will be hanging out any time soon
Look, yell at me as much as you want, just leave the guy be for now K?
Can I see him?
I don’t think this a good idea
Please 🥹
Trust me Linka’ra, you don’t wanna
Pretty please 🥹🥹🥹
Hang on
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What on the cursed plane happened??? 😱😱😱
Told’ya you’d not wanna see it
You should have called me! 😭
He didn’t wanna upset you. He knows how bothered you are with that girl from work
You don’t know half of it
Do tell
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Wow, that’s crazy!
So, that’s why he didn’t wanna bother you
Still, you should have texted me, let me know he was staying at your place
He asked me, I kinda forgot
WTF Mark 😤
Ma bad
I’m coming over
No, no need. Now it’s just wait the meds do their thing. Look, why don’t you bake him some of dat pie he likes, while I watch over the big guy? When he’s good to go, I’ll drive him home.
That’s the least you can do after almost killing him! 🤬
Yeah I know. So, deal?
Right, I’ll be waiting
Cya soon 👋
Bruh, where r u? Yo girl is beyond pissed! I, and a certain AI image generator, managed to get her off your scent, but I need to drive you home or ur in BIG TROUBLE. Call me as soon as you see this, dude
“Alright Ba’rin, no need to panic. Yes, your phone is dead, your hovercraft is dead and you’re on a forgotten road in the middle of nowhere with no food or water, but soon enough someone will miss you and come looking for you.”
Tks for reading. More primate bros here.