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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/bingpotbengt on 2023-08-11 18:54:06.

Kind of a weird situation. Im a 21F and Im in a weird fwb but exclusive kind of situation with someone. Hes 20M. We have been friends for 2 years and began this relationship thing like 6 months ago. Recently, our sexting has gotten kind of nonexistent which was a huge concern for me because I think that an active sex life means a healthy relationship. I’ve brought up my concerns with him and he always gets kind of defensive saying that hes busy or hes not really that horny which I found really sus in the beginning. I thought that he wasnt interested in me anymore or that he was texting some other girl.

We’ve had a million conversations about this to the point where we’re both sick of it but there hasnt really been a change? I think its because of stress and also the lack of being physically close(were in our final year at college - a very strict no PDA allowed college). I’ve also asked him multiple times if he still wants to be in this weird relationship thing we have going on and he says he does. Hes also kind of shy when it comes to sex and im a little more open, which could be a factor.

I really like him, enough that the no physicality thing really isnt reason enough for me to not be with him. But i do still need a little bit of attention in that way. Ive been trying to give him space but i really really want to have that part of the relationship back.

He did say that i can text him regarding this if im ever horny but i dont really know how to even begin that conversation because he gets really awkward. Again this a fairly newer development like in the last three months. Its not like it was very frequent before but it has legit all but stopped now.

Not sure what to do would really love some help.

Also if this is not the right question for this forum do let me know. Its my first time asking a question on reddit.