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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/No-Firefighter5707 on 2023-08-11 21:03:39.

Back 6 years ago my husband and I lived with my SIL for 2 months. This was in the very beginning of our relationship. I had 3 kids from a previous relationship and honestly, she absolutely did me a favor by letting me stay there because I was essentially homeless. By the second month we found our own rental and moved out. During the time I was staying with her, I provided ALL my own food and did her house chores (she was a hoarder with 4 dogs and I cleaned out her home for her). I was also working FT and getting child support and I was giving her $260 a week and whatever extra she asked for. For instance, she was “broke” and wanted food from Shwan’s delivery and I ended up dropping an extra $400+ on food for her, her husband and her kid on my dollar, as well as helped her pay off her back land tax ($600). Long story short, she got plenty out of me while I was there. Damn near $5k actually. We weren’t homeless due to a money issue. We simply couldn’t find anything big enough for me, my kids and my now husband- so admittedly, handing her over thousands of dollars actually didn’t bother me during that time.

Anyways, my husband and I move out and where we moved prevented us from seeing family very often. We were over 2 hours away. But recently we moved back to the area because the area we did live in is facing a huge price hike (our rent went from $1100 to $1900 in 3 months). Given that we are currently pregnant and that price hike was far too high, we moved back “home”. We got a cute little 4 bedroom apartment roughly 20 minutes from my SILs house. But given that we just dropped first, last, and double security for the place, we don’t have money for a car seat for the baby and we are due in 3 weeks. I had posted on Facebook asking if anyone had a good condition car seat available for lower than retail price and my SIL commented on the post and said “remember, you still owe me $280 for the electric bill from when you were living with me”. News to me. It’s quite literally never been mentioned. I call her about it and she says “yeah when you left my electric went up by $300 so you need to cover that and it should be top priority”. I told her to get fucked and I’m not paying her what she thinks I owe her. I have a baby due, no car seat and I gave her close to $5k while I was there. I’m not giving her shit. She is saying I’m an AH for “not paying what’s owed”. I’m so disgusted right now that I’m not thinking clearly. AITA?