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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Feisty-Importance-44 on 2023-08-11 22:41:32.

My husband has been hanging out with his guy friends every weekend for about a month. It generally doesn’t bother me at all but lately he has been saying “I will be home after this beer” and that one beer turns in to 6 and him coming home in an uber around 3-4am. And well, I want to hang out with my husband. There’s never any ill blood or fighting about it. I know he needs his friends, as we are currently going through a stressful time and he needs to decompress. However, when he went out on Saturday I told him “if you aren’t home by 8 I’m coming to find your ass”. He laughed, said he would be home by 8 and that was it.

Well, by 9 he still wasn’t home. I knew this was going to happen so I planned it all out. I had already gone to the store and picked up a 30 rack and, this is actually kind of embarrassing, but I threw on some of his clothes, put my hair up and put a hat on to make myself look more manly and headed over to his buddies house, where I knew he was. When I walked through the door my husband starts dying laughing and bear hugs me. His buddies (I’m close to 3 of them) were also heavily amused and thanked me for the beer. There was no issue there. However, one of the guys that I don’t know all that well lives next door and his wife came over livid at like 2am and starts scolding him about being out so late, etc etc (they have a baby at home so it’s 100% understandable). As soon as she saw me standing there, shit hit the fan even more. She started accusing him of lying about it being guys night. I did interject and say that I actually invited myself after my own husband didn’t come home when he said but she just put her hand up to me and told her husband to get home. I thought that would be the end of it but my husband actually got a text from this guy yesterday saying that me showing up caused serious issues in his marriage and that next time he should tell me to “stay the fuck home”. My husband obviously laughed it off and said it isn’t my fault theres issues in their marriage and that he was amused by me showing up but now I feel utterly terrible. AITA?