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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/tshirtbag on 2023-08-11 22:43:02.

The generic CVS or Rite Aid Brand or Amazon knock-offs will do. I know it’s the price that usually stops us, we see the cheaper price tag for the 18ct Tampon box on sale, and boom, we buy it again from habit.

But jesus christ, invest in a menstual cup NOW if you can, please.

  • They will end up saving you hundreds to thousands of dollars.
  • You will never have to worry about being low or out of tampons literally ever again. It’s only added stress on top of the other PMS stress.
  • It literally makes my crampy ass ten times less crampy. In fact, I barely have bad cramps when it’s in.
  • They’re comfy. I never notice it’s in. Taking it out is…. something to get used to. But you do get used to it, and while it may be weird at first, you quickly acclimate.
  • They rarely barely leak if you stay on top of it. Staying on top of it is easier because you can leave it in with ease for longer stretches of time without it leaking unlike a tampon on your first or second days.
  • you simply won’t regret it.