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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Fennnario on 2024-12-27 14:45:24+00:00.
I was definitely the crazy UFO guy in the family. I told them about David Grusch to blank stares.
Somehow my 65-year-old mother in law has lapped me in her interest in this topic. Her info comes from tik toks she then misremembers so she is convinced her blood type means she has alien dna and she has somehow been personally chosen by the aliens.
We live near New Jersey so the drone/uap situation came up over the holidays. I was going to let the topic pass rather than stir things up but she exclaimed, “People are talking about the drones and what we really need to focus on is the plasma orbs!” and I said, “Exactly!” We then shared our theories while everyone else confusedly ate latkes.
Overall a pretty good holiday!