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The original was posted on /r/twobestfriendsplay by /u/tthehoe on 2023-08-12 01:04:35.

It doesn’t take One Piece a hundred episodes to get good: it starts good and only gets better. Unfortunately, this can’t be said for it’s openings. Sandwiched between what are still two of the most iconic and beloved openings of the entire series is OP2, Believe in Wonderland.

Believe in Wonderland is far, far worse than the 4kids Pirate Rap. At first blush it’s just a mediocre relic of the late 90s/early 00s anime scene, until the chorus. It’s easy to forget just how much production and effort really goes into these short bits of animation, at least until you hear the performer not even be able to hit the notes in their own song.

I’m serious. Every time the refrain hits the titular words Believe in Wonderland, the singer strains her voice to reach the crescendo, but only ever falls in its rough ballpark. It’s horribly flat, and in all honesty I’ve always been curious how many times they actually had her try to hit it. You took that many takes, and this is the best one? The Syrup Village arc deserved better.