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The original was posted on /r/aspergers by /u/Horror-Cauliflower82 on 2023-08-11 23:27:05.

Hey everyone, so I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth getting an Asperger’s assessment or if I’m just being ridiculous with thinking I have it.

I say ridiculous because I don’t really have any of the common social difficulties. For example I can tell someone’s emotions from their face, can make small talk if needed, and I don’t interrupt people, and I am conscious not to say things that might be rude.

I’m also pretty athletic and played 3 sports back in high school.

By the way I hope the above info I stated doesn’t come across as using overly stereotypical reasoning points but I don’t know a huge amount about it so I wanted to hit what I thought were the major identifiers.

Same goes for what’s below on the things I do think align with common traits.

So, as I said I think I have a lot of other Asperger’s traits. I am very routine oriented, generally like to be by myself (but enjoy small groups of close friends). In fact my best friend may have Asperger’s and it seems I can relate to him more than anyone else.

I don’t like when my routine is disrupted. Especially my morning and night routines.

Hate being away from home and find it hard to sleep in other areas.

I am very sensitive to loud noises as well as lights and different fabrics. Especially on my face, I hate people or things touching my face.

Sometimes I’d like to just wear ear plugs even during the day when I go out to busy places.

I also have social anxiety (clinically diagnosed) and general anxiety so I’m wondering if maybe those conditions are what may cause some of the other issues like not wanting to be around people. But yeah I don’t like meeting new people and hate talking in groups.

I have obsessive interests, or at least highly focused interests, which for me mainly are nutrition, holistic health, and bodybuilding. I look up at least a couple articles per day on those topics and think about them quite often. I find myself taking to my family about these topics quite a bit too.

Lastly, maybe it’d help to explain my job too. I work from home as a freelance writer and researcher for different health websites. I love what I do although it can get draining sometimes! But what doesn’t…

It helps to have headphones with brown noise and be in my own space where I can deeply focus for long periods.

That’s all I think. Again I apologize if I’m not in the right space but just wanted to see what others think. Thanks in advance.