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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Agreeable-Bill-2208 on 2023-08-12 03:44:12.

This is going to be long but I need to get this off my chest. I’ve lost all love for my mother as she has for me.

This isn’t dramatic, I genuinely think my mother doesn’t love me. She has never looked at me with love, happiness or compassion, she has never told me she loved me. If I’m lucky I’ll get a look or huff of annoyance, other than that it’s just a cold blank stare.

I’m called ungrateful constantly. I ask for basic respect I’m ungrateful, get irritated with something I’m ungrateful, show I’m contempt I’m ungrateful.

When I was in the hospital for nearly taking my life she didn’t ask if I was ok, she didn’t offer me anything, she didn’t even visit me on my birthday while i was in the hospital, instead taking my siblings to the aquarium.

When I told her of my assault she asked if I seduced the men into doing that to me. When I smiled while speaking to a old teacher she asked if I slept with him.

And ive tried, I’ve tried so much to have a relationship with my mother, every action or every word is met with annoyance. I give her a mothers day gift, she awkwardly says thanks and throw it away. I have a conversation with her she calls it a useless, fake conversation, I express love and worry for her it’s met with irritation because “it’s out of character”. Yet, she says it’s my fault that our relationship is like this, That I dont speak to her or confide in her.

We had another fight just today and that was it. I’ve heard her over and over again, that she didn’t care and that she’ll kick me out of her life and it finally clicked. She doesn’t care, she doesn’t love me, Why should I make her?

I’m 16, so I’m not exactly in the right financial situation to get emancipated or move out. But as soon as I turn 18 I plan on leaving and cutting her out for my life except to see and talk my siblings, I’m going to travel the Americas with my boyfriend and our Pitbull.

Mom, you’ve always wanted to be a woman who’s alone, congrats, you lost a child. Now I hope my siblings will realize how much of a miserable woman you are.