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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Pretty-Pumpkin_ on 2023-08-12 09:44:07.

I’m a newly single mom. I spent the past three months on unpaid maternity leave. I saved enough money to pay all my bills during those three months. In two weeks, I will be starting a new job (it pays more than my last job) and I just have to do training for 30 days then I get to work from home. So I just need someone to watch my baby for those 30 days that I will be working. My child’s father is a deadbeat and I’m still going through the process of child support but I don’t plan on getting it for another 6+ months. I have my own place, my car and I pay for all my expenses on my own.

My SIL at first said she would watch my baby for free since her and my brother didn’t attend my baby shower or get me a gift. Now she changed her mind and said give her what I can. I told her I can only give her a 100 a week and then I’ll pay her in fruits and milk (what I get free from wic) in a way to give her more. She would be watching him the first week for three days and the second week for 4 days and then some of my relatives said they’ll try and watch him when they’re off so she won’t have to watch him for a full 5 days the rest of the weeks. I let my SIL know and she seemed upset and said she needs to ask my brother and that she’ll call me back. She never called me back and is ignoring me now… I’m assuming it’s a no.

I understand it’s low buts it’s all I can afford. I’m a little annoyed because in the past I have helped them out so much… she told me that her sister pays her 200 for watching her 2 kids all week so I honestly figured a 100 a week + some groceries would be okay with her since it would only be for a month. My other sis n law is a stay at home mom as well and said she would have watched my baby for free but since she lives states away she can’t. My best friends mom offered to watch my baby for free and I would still give her the 100 a week if I end up going that route. I just helped my sis in law with nieces bday party. I took her to all the places she needed to go (she doesn’t drive) and helped her make all the things she wanted for my nieces bday and didn’t ask for a single thing. In the past I’ve made these extravagant 300-500 dollar cakes with themed cupcakes (I’m a baker) for my nieces bdays that she wanted for free or for as little as 50 dollars. If she refuses to watch him that’s fine, I don’t plan on making a deal out of it but would I be the AH if I stop helping her out in the future? I feel bad that I can’t pay her more ( I wish I could) but I can’t, AITAH for being upset?