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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Gitgudm7 on 2025-01-04 20:25:04+00:00.

Hi folks. I know this sub frequently gets trail recommendation questions, but I figured I’d shop around for people’s opinions so I can make a strong plan.

I’m taking a semester off from school due to mental health reasons. Part of my recovery plan is doing stuff that gives my day-to-day structure and purpose. To me, the obvious answer is long-distance hiking. I’ve toyed with the idea of doing just one of the >2000 mile trails, but I do wonder if my time would be better spent stitching together various trails across North America to see more of the world. I was thinking of doing the AT or CDT after I graduate anyway, so I might still have the opportunity next year.

My schedule will probably be freed up around late February depending on circumstances. I’ve been considering doing the AZT first, then maybe the SHT, and then something alpine in the late summer like the Colorado Trail, the GDT, or the Vancouver Island Trail to wrap things up. I might also have time to throw in some shorter trails (~100 miles) in between, so I’m considering trails like the Uinta Highline Trail, the South Dakota Centennial Trail (maybe this one with a friend), and the Tahoe Rim Traverse.

I do most of my hiking on the East Coast already, so I’ll probably not be doing too much of that. I enjoy the social aspect of hiking, but I also really enjoy solitude, so that’s not really a factor for me. Logistically, I probably won’t have much access to a car, so that’s something that I need to account for as well.

My hard cutoff is late August. Any pointers, whether on planning, budgeting, or transport, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!

TLDR: Looking for recommendations on long trails and how to do them in the next eight months.