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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/NextBeginning3278 on 2023-08-12 15:17:38.

My daughter, Geena 38, left her husband, Dan 40, for a younger and more exciting man from her work. They broke up when she got hit with a condo levy she asked him to help pay for since he was living with her. He declined since he wasn’t on the deed. He said he didn’t mind paying rent but that maintenance was on the owner. They fought and that was that. She ended up having to sell the condo. It was too expensive for her alone but it was something she fought for in the divorce. That was six years ago and she finally burned through the money from the sale. We told her to buy something smaller in a different neighborhood but she insisted that she needed to live there so he kids lives wouldn’t be disrupted.

In the mean time our son-in-law just remarried to a lovely girl, Madison(27/28?). Our grandchildren like her and she is always very pleasant when we speak. She is pregnant and the kids are excited for a new sibling.

My daughter is back living with us. All she does is work and complain. She has to work too much, she can’t meet good men, this new woman stole her life, it never stops.

My wife is always commiserating with her about how she is so hard done by. I just keep my mouth shut.

Madison came by yesterday to pick up the kids. After she left my daughter went off again. She was driving a new car they got since her old car would be impractical for a family of five to drive around in. The kids ran out to see it and check out all the bells and whistles.

Geena didn’t even say hello. After Madison and the kids left she started whining again. Now about how she can’t afford a new car.

I couldn’t help it. I told her that she made her choice to give up the life she had for something different and that choices have consequences.

She literally ran crying to her room and I felt like shit. Her mom scolded me for being so harsh. I apologized for saying what I said and I honestly feel bad about it but I think she needs to stop complaining about her life since she chose it.