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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/Vaughx on 2025-01-06 06:57:20+00:00.

To the designer(s) of the Sandspit map:

Blessings on you and your offspring for all time. Hallowed be thy name. I pray your bagels are always perfectly toasted, and all your sandwiches hold together until the last bite. I pray that all your travels are free of accidents and traffic jams. I pray that all cops will ignore you whenever you choose to speed down the highway, and I hope that whenever you go to your favorite restaurant, you are seated immediately at your favorite table.

To the designer(s) of the Augury map:

I curse you. I pray that everything you enjoy causes you suffering instead. I pray that cereal cuts the roof of your mouth for all eternity. I pray that even your freshest pizzas have cold cheese that slides off the top of your slices, leaving just tomato sauce and crust. I hope when you try coax your pets into anything, they instead get stuck on a doorway. I hope whenever you try to checkout at the grocery store, you are forced to pull 3 levers on opposite sides of the building in order to proceed to the checkout line. I pray that all the games you play have excruciatingly slow, incredibly pointless, uninterruptible animations.