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The original was posted on /r/gamingleaksandrumours by /u/SemiLazyGamer on 2025-01-06 05:53:38+00:00.

Also in regards to the project they were on between DKCTF and Metroid Prime Remastered, it was some type of Music RPG game where the main mechanic was singing, it was a huge disaster and after years of it going nowhere, Nintendo cancelled the project and put Retro on remastering the FULL Metroid Prime Trilogy, this was also to help Retro develop the production pipeline to be able to outsource for assistance in the future (since all their games were all internally made, you also see a lot of external studios help on Prime 1 Remastered). When everything fell through with Bandai Namco’s work on Prime 4 it was given back to Retro, they patched things up with Tanabe after their fallout and they could only finish a remaster of the first Prime as all resources had to be moved to Prime 4. Unsure what the story is now with Prime 2 & 3 Remastered.