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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/cS47f496tmQHavSR on 2025-01-07 22:41:07+00:00.

Hey everyone,

I got tired of waiting for NoKi’s comment to not be shadowbanned every week, so I hacked together a Chrome extension to load the timestamps from GitHub.

There are other solutions like SponsorBlock’s chapters and the timestamp doc, but SponsorBlock usually has incorrect timestamps (and isn’t updated until NoKi’s comment is visible anyway), and the doc doesn’t let you click the links.

I liked the idea of having an extension specifically for WAN Show since this community is generally quicker and more technically inclined - who knows, we might be able to make something cool together.

The timestamps are in GitHub and the repository is public, so anyone is welcome to contribute. So far I’ve added the past three WAN shows (with credit to NoKi!), but I’ll try to keep it updated. PRs with more timestamps are very welcome!

The extension is only available as an unpacked one right now, but I’m looking into putting it on the Chrome Web Store and getting it working in Firefox as well.


Edit: Pending review on the Chrome web store, will update when it’s live