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The original was posted on /r/gamingleaksandrumours by /u/TravaX_2 on 2025-01-10 15:28:18+00:00.

"I went back and checked the recent instance when we received a GTAO article on a Friday. Sure enough, it was on January 14, 2022 — the second week of January, just like now, when we were waiting on E&E info, and received the Feb 2022 community update weeks after. This time, it’s the PC E&E turn.

Is this a coincidence? I’m not sure. What we do know is that R* plans such articles weeks in advance, usually two to three weeks. I can only assume they started preparing an announcement article yesterday, whether it’s for GTAV’s PC Gen9 or a community update, which may provide an update on VI."

Source: Here