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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/GreyHairEngineer on 2025-01-12 05:00:55+00:00.

  • The trading should not be done on a website. We need in-person trading. Take a car or a plane and physically go see the other person to perform the trade.
  • All maps should exclusively be Augury or the Vaal dark map.
  • No need for a map tab. In fact, no need for tabs at all. When we place items on the floor of our hideout, they should just stay there forever instead of tabs.
  • We need way more exploding corpses without animation. They were onto something there.
  • When you’re on one end of the map, and the last rare monster is on the other end of the map, the monster should be scared and run away from the player to make it even more fun to backtrack for 5 minutes without encountering a single monster.
  • We need more dead ends in our maps, linearity and ease of use is too much fun for our tiny brains.
  • Charms should be decorative with no stats, it would be an improvement over the charms out there today.
  • Melee have too much range, they should be hugging and humping the enemy to deal damage.
  • Armor should be nerfed, it has too much toxic masculinity.