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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/gunit_reddit on 2023-08-10 19:28:50.
I still wonder what Armenia Achieved from the so-called revolution: 1- the Genocide is about to be forgotten, state level looks like no attempt is being made to hold Turkey accountable 2- Artsakh is pretty much lost and left on its own 3-the monkey man is not leaving his seat, an illiterate bum and a whore are running the country and they have no intentions to leave despite the fact that his gov lost a decisive war.(not so much democratic, right ?!) 4-in terms of anti corruption campaign, Kocharian and a Serj are free, so either he lied about them being corrupt or after being 4 years in power he still can’t arrest/catch them which in both cases show his incapability. 5- his friendship with the west is a myth as we see no attempts are being made from the west to unblock the blockade. 6- The peace era is utter Bs, as we were in better terms with the Turks during Serj. 7-People are still leaving the country. 8-Economy is in good shape(based on the statistics) thanks to the Russian tourists and Ukraine war, nothing has to do with the tramp.